Whenever one writes about the sanity of the world one runs the risk of claiming to belong to one camp or another.
I for instance, might be judged as too blind to admit that I live in a world full of fancies or…
…too eccentric as to believe that living on the fringe is where all the artists and geniuses should be anyhow…
…and so set up camp.
Let’s do ourselves a favour…
and admit that while sanity is never about conformity it is always about perception.
What I mean is…
If you do not see what is real then you are not doing so well…
…and conversely…
…if you can see what is real even when the whole city cannot…
…then you are the most sane among us.
Author Frank Sheed knew this well.
And this is why he titled one of his most well known books, Theology and Sanity (which is a must read for Christians by the way).
Perceiving the real is properly the area of theology as much as it is the poet.
It just so happens that poetry is theology dressed up in much finery.
Because today you who see the world as it is…
…you the Christian…
…the truth teller…
…the truly sane among us…
…have a duty to inject ‘the real’ into your place of work and life.
You need not be a poet or a person of song…
You need not be a philosopher or even theologian properly speaking.
All you need is your Creed.
The courage to stand up, quietly and defiantly…
…with a life full of joy at having found the way, truth and life.
Saying with the utmost conviction:
“I believe in God, the Father almighty…”
And in your city gone mad you might just find…
…that more than one person can see what you see.
And together you can call the world back to its beginning.
“In the beginning was the Word…” – John 1:1
So friends, today be bold. Be sane.
You see something that they cannot.
Do not forget that.
in Christ, patrick