Are you a pro at parenting? Probably not. None of us are. As Sara points out, there’s always something new to be learned about our kids. Sara is a mathematician, former teacher, occasional artist, and the face behind the beloved blog, “To Jesus, Sincerely.” Sara chronicles the day to day adventures of a mom of 4 living a life in pursuit of virtue, encouraging her readers to continually strive towards holiness. Today she reviews “Me & My House,” and says that what most drew her to the program is the tangible and practical advice on how to parent in the Catholic faith.
Read Sara's full review here.
Released June 4th, 2019
You can visit Sara's personal blog, To Jesus, Sincerely, for more Catholic Parenting advice or to join a game of her Catholic Trivia. She also co-hosts a Catholic Parenting podcast especially dedicated to fellow stay-at-home-parents, Home But Not Alone. You can also find Sara on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.