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Circle of Grace

Tools, strategies and insights to get further

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Circle of Grace

Strategies and insights to help you reach your family and friends

Browse the Articles

Learn the best practices and insights on evangelizing your family and friends

Let's begin by defining our terms, setting our goals, and gaining a BUNCH of confidence as

Can you elevate a conversation?

What you're doing isn't wrong, it's just that when it comes to evangelization, it doesn't work.

Let's begin by defining our terms, setting our goals, and gaining a BUNCH of confidence as

The Evangelists did it, so should you

Contrary to popular belief, the four Gospel writers didn't just "wing it." They had a plan. 

Let's begin by defining our terms, setting our goals, and gaining a BUNCH of confidence as

You're evangelizing the wrong people

Stop telling God who you need to reach. For the best results, try listening to Him instead.

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Pick up a book 

Don't wait.  Start learning right away.

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A 40 Day Plan to Evangelize
For the Catholic who wants to get started already!

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Improve how you present the Gospel
For the Catholic who is frustrated with
not being heard

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